Monday, August 07, 2006

Talk of conversions

My ISP still blocks blogs, so I post using a mailer. And I read blogs using pkblogs. Now, an interesting observation is in the last post, I put in the address of my other blog as (read undertheshiningstars dot blogspot dot com) and when it got posted on the site, you can see, it shows http://www.pkblogs/undertheshiningstars. I'm baffled.
Is it that whenever I open a blog through pkblogs, it actually runs through the whole text and replace * with pkblogs/* ???

Update: It works only with pkblogs. When tried with another proxy, it comes up as dot blogspot dot com only. :-)


Shruthi said...

It works with too. I was equally baffled, and pleasantly surprised too!

Viky said...

Wow. Some logic these people use to give seamless reading pleasure.