If you discount the sole exception of Khushi, Mungaru maLe was the first KannaDa movie I watched in a theatre, after say 15 years. NanjunDi KalyaNa, starring Malasri and Raghavendra Rajkumar, was the last. I am quite critical when it comes to KannaDa cinema - chiefly because there is a lack of originality - most of the so-called hits in KannaDa cine world are usually remakes of other hits in Tamil and Telugu film industries. Agreed that there is no dearth of classic films like Nammoora Mandara Hoove, Amruthavarshini and America America, but a great majority of Kannada films are just chaff, with below par stories, loose direction and poor acting. Anyway, debates will never cease if I choose to dwell on that.
All I have to say is that I enjoyed Mungaru MaLe immensely. And the 45 minutes travel from Milton Keynes to Southall, London, having spent almost three times the ticket money on the travel, was redeemed in full. It was the first time in 4-5 months that I encountered so many people speaking KannaDa. So much so, that we had to consciously make an effort not to spring up any expletives, because otherwise, the kannaDa we speak at our bachelor pad is the one mothers tell their young children to avoid.
Apart from the movie, the other high point of Sunday was the food. I enjoyed an unlimited breakfast at Chennai Dosa. For three pounds and a half, you get unlimited helpings of idlis, uppittu, and pongal, followed by a dosa item of your choice AND a poori item. All of this packed in and followed up by a cup of rich filter coffee. Burp!!! And of course, pani-puri, and rasmalai at a Punjabi do at Southall. It is because of this reason, and this alone, that I am content, and not swearing abuses at her for time and again rambling about delectable Indian food. :-)
And unless something more interesting happens, the next few posts will be of the holiday in Belgium and Netherlands. The 2300 odd photos from all the four cameras are sorted and ready. Anyone offering free prints, please???
Update: The screening was courtesy the Europe Kannada Sangha. Its still a fledgling, but shows a lot of promise, judging by the Ugadi celebrations and the movie screening. Last heard, there was still a waiting list of 100-150 kannaDigas, eager to see the movie, but lacking a screen. The sangha has an orkut community here and a new blog here.
Update 2: The movie screening was carried by a kannaDa newspaper. :)

And here is a video of the most famous dialogue of the movie.
Thank heavens! :) Can't tell you how glad I am that you got to eat all that ;)
And hmm... I am hearing much too much about Mungaaru male. Maybe I should venture out to watch it after all!
Wow! It must have been some fun. I can imagine the delight on harsha's face too!
You guys must have felt the pleasure of homecoming..
I have been to Chennai Dosa too, the one at East Ham. Its almost time to start wishing to go back again. But then, I did not like mungaru maLe as much as I thought I would. I felt its a typical romance movie sans the bad language and mediocrity that haunts Kannada films.
How do you get to know of Kannada film screenings BTW?
And if you cant really go all the way to London for good food, you are welcome home any weekend :) Seriously!
Hey I just watched mungaaru male too...n loved it.
Nothing to beat good ol' Indian food right:):)
Wow..... Great time ah?
Echoing Santu, on tak's moment of happiness.... And urs ofcourse.... :)
Shru, yeah, otherwise you would have been under the choicest verbal diarrhoea.
Santu, true. It really was an effort to speak in the "clean" kannada, just like back home.
Shastri, you know, the industry was at such a nadir, any normal plot, sans the bad language would have been a hit. And that is what mungaru maLe has proved. Thanks for the invitation - I dance on every chance, especially when food is involved. ;)
AD, right!!! And, welcome.
Goks, ninu bamma ninu!!!
Nangoo noDabekooooo :-|...
Hey Viky...neenu London hattira iddeeya? Mail maaDu...aadre siguva :-)
Maja maadu! Ensoi maadi! :)
Viky, I have heard sooooo much about this movie. I really want to see it, I do!
Hoon Chitra, nanu London hatra ne irodu...in fact nanu nim baagilu taTTide, adre nimage yaaru anta gottaglilla ansutte. hogli biDi. mail maDtini.
Mysorean, :D
Ano, don't miss it :)
Howdaaaaaa??? :D
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